The Ultimate Pore Cleansing Mask for Acne

By Jamie
November 19, 2013

ultimate pore cleansing mask for acne - The Herbal Spoon

Take a huge bite of a juicy hamburger and get some ketchup on your lips. Or for the vegetarians out there, dribble some salad dressing on your face.

Ok, that’s the bad kind of food on your face. The kind that if you left it there would give you a breakout and more than a few funny looks from people.

But what if you could smear some food on your face and come out of it with clearer, healthier skin? (You might still get the funny looks if you venture out in public though.)

This pore cleansing mask will help fade acne scars and dark spots on your skin, cleanse and detox your pores, fight inflammation and kill pore clogging bacteria. And unlike other acne treatments that dry your skin, this will gently moisturize and nourish your skin with a buffet of live enzymes and minerals.
How in the world can it do all that? Let’s look at the ingredients and where to buy them.

Detox with Bentonite Clay

I love bentonite clay, I really do. When mixed with water bentonite expands forming a matrix that traps heavy metals and toxins. When you wash it away, you wash away the toxins. Sodium bentonite is better at pulling in toxins, while calcium bentonite is better at remineralizing. With a pH of around 9 bentonite will also help to alkalize your body.

A normal skin pH is actually acidic, around 4.5 -5. So while bentonite is great to alkalize internally, it’s best to maintain an acidic skin pH after using it on the body. An apple cider vinegar toner will help restore the skin’s natural ph.

Anti-inflammatory Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a great anti-inflammatory. I like to sneak cinnamon into as many things as I can because it’s so good for you. Many diseases in the body are caused by inflammation, so eating an anti-inflammatory diet will help arthritis, ADD, ADHD, autism and other issues. In powder form cinnamon also gently exfoliates the skin.

The anti-inflammatory effects of cinnamon are also great for acne and eczema. Not only is cinnamon anti-inflammatory, but it’s antibacterial, which helps with the bacterial infections that can cause acne and skin conditions.

This study from Loyola College found that cinnamon, clove and lime were the most effective essential oils against 6 tested strains of bacteria.


Lemon acts as an astringent, tightening pores for healthier, smoother skin. It also helps fade dark marks caused by acne scars, freckles or age spots. And like cinnamon, it also helps with bacteria and inflammation. Be sure to buy fresh lemons since bottled is full of additives and is from concentrate. 

“Tea tree oil, neem, witch hazel, rosemary, lemon, and grapefruit all help prevent bacterial growth and counteract inflammation.” Doris J. Day, M.D. in the article “Spot Removers: banish blemishes with anti-acne botanicals. Natural Health Magazine.

Healing Honey

There’s so many amazing benefits to honey. It’s a pure source of natural energy and live enzymes in the raw state. Once heated though all of these benefits are lost and it’s basically a processed sugar.
Honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It’s also anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Try to purchase local honey locally you can. It’s often cheaper than raw honey from the store, and you’re supporting local hardworking bee keepers.

Acne Blasting Cleansing Mask



  1. Combine all ingredients and stir to make a thick paste. Add some water if necessary to thin.
  2. Apply a thick layer to the face and allow to dry completely before washing off, about 10-15 minutes. The mask may tingle at first but this is ok, it means its working. Obviously if there’s skin irritation or burning immediately remove the face mask.
  3. Follow up with green mint toner.

Green Mint Toner

After you’ve exfoliated and drawn the toxins from your pores, tighten and tone with this astringent.

  • Brew 1  green teabag and 1 mint tea bag in 1 and 1/4 cups pure water for 4 minutes.
  • Pour 1/4 cup into a dish and use a reusable cleansing cloth or cotton swab to apply.
  • Enjoy sipping the other cup while you’re waiting for the mask to work!
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Join the Conversation

  1. How long does the mask last if reconstituted? Or do you make it fresh each time. Great photos, especially the baby 🙂 MaggieMac

    1. Hi Maggie! You could mix up the bentonite, cinnamon and tea tree oil ahead of time and it should last at least a year (probably a lot longer). I wouldn’t add in the lemon or honey until just before you use it though. I would be afraid of mold growth otherwise.

  2. For some reason the recipe is not shown… is it just my computer or is the recipe with the amounts of the ingredients gone from this article? 🙁 I would like to known the amounts of each ingredient so that I can make this and try it out. Thank you!

    1. jamie Author says:

      Ahh, so sorry Michelle! The images for this older post decided to disappear for some reason and I had the recipe on a graphic. I’ll try to get this edited asap though so you can see the recipe. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

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