
I  first experimented with herbs at age 13 when I recovered from the flu in just a few hours. The mulberry leaf  infusion I used made me sweat like the dickens. At first I was afraid I’d done myself in, but after a long nap I was better than ever.

Since then I’ve devoured every book, medical journal, and article on health that I possibly can.

I’m a wife, I’m a mother, I’m a health nut, but most importantly I’m a Christ follower. My love for herbs and all things natural is driven by my desire to be a good steward of the amazing world we’ve been given.

I grew up in a small community that was resourceful, utilizing herbs and other home remedies. That community education is what cultivated a love for plants and all things natural.

The Herbal Spoon about me

I use my knowledge and the wisdom of others to help my family by providing healthy, great tasting meals, concocting herbal teas, addressing colds, and putting homemade herbal salve on everything!

I’ve learned a lot over the years. Like I know now that mulberry leaf is a diaphoretic to promote  sweating. 

Here you can learn how to create a nurturing environment wherever you are by taking care of the gifts we’ve been provided. There are many great resources out there and I hope you’ll find this to be one of them!


Have a question or comment? Shoot me a message here.

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