How to get rid of dandruff for good and what causes it

By Jamie
August 9, 2016

How to get rid of dandruff for good and what causes dandruff - The Herbal Spoon

An itchy scalp and tell tale flakes on your dark shirt are all clear markers you may be suffering from dandruff. Find out how to get rid of dandruff for good by getting to the root cause. And in the meantime, if you’re looking for some soothing relief, then try some of this diy irritated scalp spray. My husband loves this stuff because it gives such effective results!

What is dandruff and do you actually have it?

True dandruff is defined as red, greasy skin, covered in flaky yellow or white scales. It’s technically called seborrheic dermatitis when it’s on the scalp. Other scalp issues can cause itching and flaking too, like scalp psoriasis, dry scalp or reactions to hair care products. These reactions can be caused by conventional toxic hair care products, or even natural options that you just have a reaction too.

I got dandruff after just a few months on the no poo method. I found out the hard way how damaging baking soda really is to your hair and scalp. You can read more about my failed no poo attempt, and get a scalp healthy, pH balanced moisturizing shampoo recipe here.


Shady shampoos

Yes, dandruff is a pain, but the typical treatments are even worse. Not only are they full of toxic ingredients, but many people report that the scalp starts getting used to them over time, making them ineffective. Although this study claimed that anti-dandruff shampoo’s don’t lose efficacy, and that all the dermatologists and dandruff sufferers out there were just buying into a myth.

Never mind that the study was put together by Proctor and Gamble, who sell 29 million bottles every year of their Head and Shoulders shampoo. And at an average of $15 a bottle, that adds up to over $435 million in annual sales.

Of course they can’t have the truth cutting into those kind of profits. (source)

You can choose from shampoos with salicylic acid that dry out the scalp, or ones made from byproducts of coal production. Yes, the active ingredient in many dandruff shampoos is literally coal tar! Ahh, no thank you.

The dangers of steroids for dandruff treatment

And if all else fails, then your doctor can whip out a prescription for steroids. You’ll have a suppressed immune system leaving you wide open to cancer and other diseases, but hey, at least your dandruff will be gone…. maybe. Here are some other lovely side effects of steroid use.

  • Pressure in the eyes, glaucoma
  • Edema and swollen legs
  • High blood pressure or blood sugar
  • Weight gain, especially in the stomach, face and back of neck
  • Cataracts
  • Osteoperosis and fractures
  • Infections
  • Suppresses adrenal gland hormones
  • And my personal favorite… Psychotic behavior and memory loss

Causes of dandruff

So now that we know what dandruff is, we need to know what causes it so that we can attack the root cause. It can be hereditary, but it’s frequently triggered by an imbalance in the body. Those with dandruff usually have other health conditions, like Parkinson’s, HIV and autoimmune diseases. Basically it’s often a side effect caused by leaky gut issues, and by balancing the body’s bacteria and hormones, you’ll also take care of the dandruff.

Malassezia is the fungus that causes dandruff. Even though most of us have it, when our immune system is weakened it can take over, causing dandruff. This is why those with autoimmune diseases can have dandruff.

Eat to get rid of dandruff

Since dandruff is just a side effect of a deeper issue, eating to heal the body is key here. Autoimmune diseases are caused by leaky gut, or a permeable gut lining. To heal and seal the gut lining you have to avoid foods that are doing the damage, like grains, refined sugar and sometimes nightshades like tomatoes and eggplant. You can read more about inflammation causing foods here.

The two best gut healing diets are the GAPS and AIP diets. They’re both similar, but AIP is stricter in what is allowed, cutting out eggs, dairy and nightshades along with grains. Both of these diets are heavily researched.

The GAPS diet was created by Dr. Patricia Campbell for her autistic patients and has been used by many people with great results at reversing autoimmune diseases. The AIP diet was discovered by research scientist and PhD Sarah Ballantyne, and has also been used for years to heal and seal the gut lining.

If you’re interested in doing either of these diets, then you can find a lot of info about them online, but I highly recommend getting the books for the most detailed info to make sure you’re following the plans correctly. I have both books, and you can find the GAPS book here , a cookbook with GAPS recipes and the AIP book, The Paleo approach: Reversing autoimmune disease,  and an accompanying Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook here.

Probiotic foods and supplements can also help dandruff by balancing the intestinal microbiome. Fermented foods like milk and water kefir, fermented fruits, vegetables and sauerkraut are a delicious way to get your gut bacteria in balance.

Balancing hormones

More men than women have dandruff, so it’s believed that male hormones often play a key role in scalp irritation and flaking. Stress, menstrual symptoms and the teenage years can also cause hormonal imbalance leading to dandruff.
Reducing stress through meditation, prayer, journaling and just taking some time for yourself can help bring your hormones back into balance. Of course, nutrition is key. Certain foods like soy mimic estrogen in the body and should always be avoided. Sugar is another no no if you want happy hormones.

How to get rid of dandruff for good and what causes it - The Herbal Spoon
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Adaptogens for hormone balance

One of my favorite ways to balance hormones and help the body cope with everyday stressors is with herbal adaptogens. These are herbs that have a non-specific strengthening response in the body, and are completely non-toxic. Some of my favorites are ashwaganda, tulsi and eleuthero.

I drink this brain booster herbal tea every day. Not only does it boost my brain power, but it’s full of adaptogens that increase my energy and help hormone balance by nourishing the adrenal glands. You’ll also frequently see me sipping on a cup of this Tulsi, or Holy Basil tea. It’s an all around great adaptogen, and I can really tell the difference when I haven’t had any in awhile.


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  1. Interesting! I don’t have dandruff, but sometimes I get a random, greasy spot on my crown. I’ve assumed it was hormone related, but I do have an autoimmune disease. I love natural, non-toxic treatments!

  2. It was so enlightening to learn the true causes of dandruff as well as the best ways to treat it. I did not know that danddurff is often a side effect caused by leaky gut issues, and by balancing the body’s bacteria and hormones, you’ll also take care of the dandruff. I was also interested in learning that Malassezia is the fungus that causes dandruff. Even though most of us have it, when our immune system is weakened it can take over, causing dandruff. This is why those with autoimmune diseases can have dandruff. Overall, this was quite an illuminating post and incredibly valuable! No more Head and Shoulders for my friends and family! Thank you for sharing how to get rid of dandruff at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I’m Pinning and sharing!

  3. I also failed at the baking soda method. It gave me terrible dandruff and made my hair brittle.
    Natural shampoos are great but mostly not affordable for me.
    Then I discovered Moroccan ghassoul clay. The ladies in Morocco use it for cleansing their skin and scalp. This stuff is really great! You make a wet mud with it and massage it into the scalp, leave for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly. I follow with a cider vinegar rinse (1/4 cup vinegar, 1 tbsp raw honey, 1.5 cups water and a few drops of rosemary essential oil). Works great for my hair and dandruff is not a problem.

    1. jamie Author says:

      That sounds awesome! I’ve heard of the Morocco method natural shampoos, but they are pretty pricey so I haven’t tried them yet. I love that you’ve found a way to use the clay to wash your hair. Do you ever have issues rinsing it all out? I’ve heard that can be tricky.

  4. It’s odd that you mentioned GAPS diet and AIP diet being the best gut healing diet butt yet your resources information came from Body Ecology Diet

    1. jamie Author says:

      When I wrote this article 6 years ago the page I referenced from Body Ecology was just about how an unhealthy gut can manifest as skin issues, like dandruff. That page is no longer on their website (that I can find), and the site has changed a lot. I’m not familiar with their diet plan, which may or may not be good. I am however familiar with GAPS and AIP and have seen success personally and in others who have used them. I also appreciate the scienctific research Dr. Ballantyne and Dr. Campbell-Mcbride give along with their diet plans.

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