Green Eggs and Ham Without Food Coloring

By Jamie
February 25, 2014
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I absolutely love spinach. I like it in a salad with strawberries and poppy seed dressing, stirred into alfredo pasta or even sautéed with a bit of vinegar and honey. My toddler, not so much. Little green leaves are not appealing to him! I’ve found a way to make breakfast fun and healthy with these nutrient dense green eggs and ham.

What is appealing to him right now is the Cat in The Hat. He’s been watching it on PBS and we’ve been reading it on his potty while he potty trains. He didn’t used to sit still for books, but I’ve found that if he has a stuffed animal of one of the book’s characters, or even a TV show to connect it to, he’s much more engaged. I try to limit TV time, but  Cat in the Hat series   is one of the few shows I’m ok with.

Green Eggs and Ham

I make “green eggs” for breakfast and my little one loves the color. And I love that they’re full of veggies … he just doesn’t know it. The book “Green Eggs and Ham,” makes eating these eggs even more fun for kids.

We like to top the eggs with salsa and cheese, but these are good even without it. And I promise, they don’t taste like spinach! Recipes usually add milk to eggs when they’re scrambled, but there’s enough liquid here with the spinach.

This recipe  works best with a high speed blender, since it will really liquefy the spinach and you won’t be left with any green spinach flecks. I have a refurbished Vitamix that I really like, use every day and it cost  about half of a new one.  A regular blender or even a ninja blender won’t get it as smooth, but it will get the job done and you’ll have yummy green eggs that the kiddos will love!

Green eggs and ham without food coloring - The Herbal Spoon

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  1. this is cute! and way healthier than the green eggs and ham recipes I’ve seen in other place (food coloring 🙁 )
    We live near Universal Studios and when the kids were little they loved eating the green eggs and ham at the Seussville area, but it was creepy to me as I didn’t know what was in them. Spinach and eggs is a great idea. Thanks for sharing on the Sunday Social!

  2. I love love love this!! So perfect for Dr.Seuss’ Birthday. Thank you so much for linking up to the Sunday Social!

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