19 Brilliant Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids

By Jamie
January 28, 2019

Valentine's day crafts for kids - The Herbal Spoon
So many classrooms and churches give out candy for Valentine’s day. While I have nothing against healthy valentine’s day treats, the sugar overload from most kids candy can be overwhelming. Here are some fun valentine’s day crafts to do with your kids that DON’T involve food. Valentine’s day crafts for kids are a perfect alternative for those with food allergies or who want to remove the focus from treats.

When we tell kids that they have to eat something sugary to celebrate or it’s not an occasion, it may not send the best message.  Childhood obesity and diabetes rates have skyrocketed. For the first time in decades, this generation has a shorter life expectancy than their ancestors. Cheap chocolate hearts, artificially colored suckers, and chalky conversation hearts (sorry to anyone who likes them) are things I’d rather avoid.

Will a little bit hurt that much? Probably not. However, with holidays, birthdays, and food based rewards kids can quickly consume more junk than we realize. We’ll still indulge in some healthy chocolate, like this raspberry chocolate mousse, but I don’t like overdoing it. It’s nice to have un-food related fun.

Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids

These projects can be done at home, in a classroom, or given along with a Valentine’s day card. I’m not a fan of lots of crafts littering my house (where do I put them??), but many of these projects are useful too. Crayons, chalk, and magnets are items my little one constantly plays with!

Chalk and Crayons

Paper Projects

candy cane playdough

3-D Crafts

3-D Crafts Using Fabric and Yarn

Magnets and Frames

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Join the Conversation

  1. Thanks so much for sharing my V-Day Heart Shaped Crayons!

  2. I suck at crafts haha thanks for so many options!

  3. Those straws are super cute! Trying!

  4. SO sweet! I love the celery flower idea! Adorable!

  5. Thanks for all these ideas!! Super fun! Pinned.

  6. How fun! My kids will love these. 🙂

  7. They are so cute and fun crafts for kids to do. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I’m always up for alternatives to candy!! This is an awesome collection of ideas! I’ve never thought of making heart shaped chalk before. Didn’t even know I could!

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